XP - Chi Rho

XP - Chi Rho
Ancient Roman Symbol for Christ

Monday, April 22, 2013

Deitrich Bonheoffer

Click on video for overview of his life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KCply-HqWM

John 15:13 “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

In a world that was spiraling out control, the only sure thing was faith in God. Bonheoffer, a great Pastor and theologian, chose to return to his homeland to stand up for the rights of our faith. In the end he was called to give his very life for his beliefs. Most of us will never be called upon to give our lives for Christ, but we are asked to give our lives to Christ. This act of faith and dedication is worth so much to us. Too often people focus on what will be lost if they choose to follow Jesus. Instead they should look at what they will gain…eternal life. The fleeting pleasures of sin in this life are just that, fleeting. But finding faith and forgiveness in a loving God is eternal. You see, Christ already paid the ultimate sacrifice out of His love for us.

1 John 3:16 says, “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

We know what real love us; the question is, “Will you accept it”? Will you come to the place where gaining new life in Christ is worth whatever you give up? Will you come to a place of humble surrender saying, “Here I am Lord, dirty and lost? I am in need of a Savior. So please forgive me of my sins. Wash me clean of my past and help me commit my life to you.” This is the message that Bonheoffer died for and it is the reason Christ went to the cross. Tonight, in our last class, I pray that those who do not know Christ, as I know Him, will find Him. I promise you will never be the same again.


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