XP - Chi Rho

XP - Chi Rho
Ancient Roman Symbol for Christ

Monday, April 15, 2013

C. S. Lewis

One of the greatest questions of life, is why we are here? What is my purpose in the grand scheme of things? Though I may not be able to answer that question fully for you, I can say that you were created to be part of this time. God is the God of history. He understands where you are, the situations of your life, your ups and downs, and the desires that you have to achieve and accomplish great things.

C. S. Lewis, the great Christian apologist, doubted everything about life, including God. Having fought in the trenches of WWI, his disillusion and despair what little faith he had. This great man of intellect eventually came to a place of understanding that only God could create and sustain the universe. As WWII began, the English nation came under attack. During that time one man was asked to speak to the nation, to provide a sense of hope in despair. That man was C.S. Lewis For many weeks he taught of the importance of a personal faith in Christ, he spoke of a hope not only for this life, but also for the one to come.

Esther 4:14 “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

This scripture teaches us that God places at the exact moment He wants us to live. I have been divinely appointed to teach this class, perhaps because someone needs to hear that there is a great and eternal God who loves you and desires to have a relationship with you. Perhaps I am the only one who has phrased faith to you in the way that I have over the last four weeks. If our God cares enough to know you and place you where He wants you, then He also loves you enough to have a divine reason for your life. This reason can be found only in Him.

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