I know that Zombies are the in thing right now. A few years
ago it was vampires…I think that had to do with some book. I can’t think of the
title. J
Now let me establish from the very beginning that I do not believe that the
dead will come back to life in order to suck the souls and life from the
living. But a question begs to be answered. Is there such a thing as the living
In our world there are so many who live as if they are dead,
or at least devoid of any moral or spiritual compass. Just in the last few
weeks Americans have watched and listened in utter horror as an abortionist was
put on trial for murder. Now to those of us who believe all abortion is murder,
this came as no surprise. I at least, have always assumed that legal abortionists
will end life whenever and wherever they can. Covering the legal tracks would
be pretty simple. Especially with a public that is so willing to turn a blind
eye to the systematic killing of millions of our most innocent.
Now as a history nerd, I find this statistic
staggering. In all of the wars, from the
Revolution to our current war, approximately 2.5 to 5 million men have lost
their lives. (The difference is in the way these numbers are tallied. Stats are
taken from the US Navy Library.) This of course is over 200 years of our
history as a nation. But since Roe vs. Wade passed in 1973, 54 million babies
have been aborted. (Stats are from http://www.christianliferesources.com/article/u-s-abortion-statistics-by-year-1973-current-1042
) I do not in any way minimize the loss
of 5 million men, but they lost their lives for the cause of freedom. Most of
the 54 million babies have lost their lives for the sake of convenience.
So going back to the original question, could we consider
those who are willing to kill the innocent Zombies? They are walking, they
breathe, they move, they exist to suck the life and soul out of another human
being. I know there is much debate
concerning when a child becomes a child. For many, the answer is at birth. If
they are in the womb abortion should be an option. But once the child is born
killing that child would be murder. So the difference between life and tissue is mere seconds.
Even our laws are confused…no surprise there. If a pregnant
woman is murdered, the killer is charged with two counts of homicide. But if
that same mom chose to walk into an abortion clinic, there would be no law to
stop her from ending the life within her. So it is a life under one law, but
tissue under another. Since science has proven then that a “fetus” has feelings
very early, and since murder outside the womb is wrong, and in many cases inside the womb, then by reason we must assume
that life begins at conception.
Moving to another possibility for the Zombie take over;
these same people who support abortion also support human genetic engineering
and in many cases cloning. As a Christian I again believe life begins at conception.
I believe that when that miracle egg inside mom is fertilized it is not only a
child, but it also has a God given soul.
So a second question, will a cloned person have a soul? Is
this not outside the frame work that Almighty God gave us in the laws of nature
and within His Word? Of course it is. While I do not have a clear answer to
this question, I can see it in the realm of possibility that these cloned “humans”
will have no soul. For conception is by God's design between a man and a woman. Even in cases of in vitro fertilization or test tubes, it still takes a man and a woman. If mom and dad are not involved is there as soul? If there is no soul, there is no moral compass; if there is
no moral compass; there is no respect of life or fear of God. Isn’t that in a
sense a Zombie? So beware, the Zombie apocalypse may yet happen. Some may
already be among us.